UK Rolia Trading LLC

+49 1521 6841388

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Poltava street 4, Dykanka, Poltava, Ukraine, 38500


Lighters were designed to fulfil the needs of a smoker, by clicking on the lighter helps you to lit your cigarette, cigar, joint, paper, etc. The right lighter will help you to for a decent smoke with its moderate flame. Lighters are available all over the world, in different types, colours, shapes, sizes, nature, etc. They give a classical look to a smoker by burning the roll of tobacco. However, the usage of lighter is not only limited to lit the cigarette it burns paper and other products too. We are an authorized dealer of more luminous and provide only classic and branded lighters to our smoker friends

Uses of Lighters

Lighters are used to lit cigarettes, cigars, joints, tobacco rolls, etc. Furthermore, you can burn paper or other products as well.

Benefits of Lighters

These are the small stoves contain gas which bursts out the flame to consume any product.

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Bic Lighters

Since the year of 1973, BIC lighters hit the stores. They bring a new change in the lifestyle of smokers. These lighters are designed by an American company that makes disposable lighters. Bic is a bestselling lighter which has four million stores all over the world. They manufactured these BIC lighters from the material of plastic and comprises of butane gas. They offered you multiple options to choose the lighter in terms of nature, colour, and design. Flexs Trading LLC is an authorized importer of Bic lighter, which offers you lighter to make a better smoking experience. We also distribute Bic lighters globally as we collaborated with them

Uses of Bic Lighters

BIC lighters are used to burn toxic products and rolls such as tobacco roll, cigarette, cigar, joints, weed, etc.

Benefits of Bic Lighters

BIC lighters are disposable and made up of plastic bodies. It comes in different colours,

Clipper Lighters

Clipper lighters were designed in Barcelona, from where it hits the stores and experience of smokers as well. Clipper lighter comes in different colours, and sizes which are an ideal size of lighter. The best part about clipper lighter is that they are refillable, which reduces the cost of purchasing a new lighter every time. In clipper light, the flint can be refilled or replaced, which is an ideal part of every smoker, and also they look classic while holding them within your palms. We Flexs Trading LLC is the importer of Clipper Lighter and distributes it all over the world, including Ukraine, we are the authorized distributor for lighters.

Uses of Clipper Lighter

Clipper Lighter is used to burn or lit the cigar, cigarette, tobacco rolls, joints, etc.

Benefits of Clipper Lighter

Clipper lighters are refillable and also comes in various sizes and colours, this smoker has a wide range of choice.

Cricket lighters

Ever since the year of 1961, we are revolving all over the world. Cricket lighters are the first one who comes in various colours and designs for smokers. The cricket lighters are the reliable one as they can light 2000 over its life cycle, which makes it unique to other brands. They are continually contributing to the environment by using 30% less plastic in the manufacturing of cricket lighters. Also, they are sturdy and child-resistant. Ever since we focused on the design and quality of the products which stand out in this competition. We Flexs Trading LLC is the importer of cricket lighters and sell it across the world, we are authorized for selling of flames.

Uses of Cricket Lighters

It adds a good experience for smokers by burning their rolls, weed, joints, cigarettes, cigars, etc.

Benefits of Cricket Lighters

They are varied in design and have a classic look.